The Policing Commentary Team

Our team of policing and academic practitioners

Why not take this opportunity of establishing a relationship with us?

We are keen to establish a positive working environment with both individuals and organisations who want to develop their thinking at a deeper and more complex level of analysis.   We prefer a considered approach to our work, rather than simply creating a quick change; because we believe that this way of thinking has longevity. Let us help you create the best working environment for you and your team.

Policing Leadership

Dr Mark has spent the last 25 years helping to develop leaders in the public and private sectors. A successful executive coach and mentor, he combines a strong drive for performance with a deep rooted connection to strong ethical values. He has designed and delivered leadership development programmes around the world. He is the former academic director of the Strategic Command Course – UK policing. He currently works with a number of executive leaders and teams throughout UK policing. He has a particular interest in helping organisations discover the utility of informal leadership. 

Community Engagement

Dr Roy is a former police superintendent and IT professional, he is an excellent strategic thinker with strong analytical skills. He is an enthusiastic and proven leader at senior level with considerable experience of leading change. Roy has been both a borough and town Councillor in Bracknell, where he has also been a school governor for over 25 years. He was Membership Secretary and PR officer for the former Reading Criminal Justice Association. He has published articles on policing and police governance. Specialties: Business consulting, criminal justice and criminology. 

Criminal Justice System

Barry was Reader in Criminal Justice Administration at Portsmouth University. His area of interests lie in police management particularly in relation to internal resource management, efficiency and police effectiveness, performance management and police modernisation. He has worked with HMIC with its Thematic on Police Modernisation [2008]; with two London Think Tanks -IPPR, Policy Exchange; and with the Superintendents regional training programme over a number of years. In 2006 following HMICs Report Minding the Gap, he was invited by the Prime Minister’s Strategy Unit to provide an independent assessment of Government plans to amalgamate and regionalise police forces in England and Wales. 

International Policing - USA

Dana has worked at Alabama A&M University, in several capacities to include serving as an Adjunct Instructor in the University’s Criminal Justice Program. Dana served as a Special Agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for twenty-four years.  Dana achieved the rank of Assistant Special Agent in Charge, holding that position in the Houston Field Office, the 8th largest office in the FBI.  Dana is also a former participant on the Strategic Command Course – UK policing.