
people, woman, rally

Politics of Policing

We want to encourage our readership to contribute to the policing and law enforcement debate. Much of what is written in social media is reactionary, too frequently ill-informed, and lacks a comprehensive rigour of thought. 

There is a fine balance between holding policing to account and political interference. Are we clear about these boundaries?

human, observer, exhibition

Community Engagement

Like never before, policing commentary requires a depth of understanding. There is a requirement for a balanced insight and a comprehensive understanding of the diverse and often competing needs of modern communities. 

Community engagement is one of the most vital aspects of modern policing. Understanding diversity of needs is sacrosanct.

library, books, bookshelf

Evidence Based Policing

Professional knowledge and understanding are a vital aspect of policing and all officers and staff should be encouraged to continually develop their skills and abilities in these areas.  Where appropriate, academic research adds further insight into the complexities of policing.  Knowledge sharing is a two-way flow.

It is vitally important that forward focused police officers and staff have the most up-to-date knowledge available to them.

protection, hands, protect

International Policing Context

Best practice in policing should be shared amongst professionals at every opportunity. For policing to be authentic and informed there is a requirement that leaders share their operational knowledge, their strategic thinking and their business acumen at every opportunity. Knowledge sharing is critical to success.

The sharing of knowledge across policing is the expectation of modern governments. Good policing leadership is a necessity.

Asking The Questions!