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Malaise at the Met!

The current malaise The resignation of Cressida Dick as London’s Police Commissioner following a meeting with the London Mayor Sadiq Khan in which he expressed his lack of confidence in her leadership of the MPS only provided evidence of a significant decline in public confidence in the force. Yet the resignation has in fact attested …

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A brief tribute for the late Queen Elizabeth from the Policing Commentary team

The one important thing shared by all UK police officers is their oath to the Crown. Many of them take comfort from this allegiance to the sovereign not least because it offers some protection from the messy world of party politics. There is no doubt that our late Queen was held in the highest possible …

A brief tribute for the late Queen Elizabeth from the Policing Commentary team Read More »

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Future Police Governance

Time for internal management change? Policing in England and Wales has once again returned to the top of the political agenda. This has been propelled by a major review of policing from the Police Foundation which has recently presented a range of proposals to improve police effectiveness and service delivery [Police Foundation 2022]. Along with …

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Enhancing local police service delivery: defunding or refunding the police?

Introduction As is always the case in healthy democratic systems, there is considerable debate about the role and effectiveness of policing within modern society. In particular, the trust and confidence in policing to be able to fulfil its mandate of protection whilst serving diverse and vulnerable communities in an equitable manner, is under intense scrutiny. …

Enhancing local police service delivery: defunding or refunding the police? Read More »

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Politics and Policing

Introduction: When an organisation can deny people their fundamental rights; when they can administer violence, sanctioned by the State; when they can prevent the free movement of citizens around public space – it is only right that democratically elected governments would want to have a significant role in how these functions are both considered and …

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