Asking the Questions!

Policing Commentary

Our Focus

To develop an informed narrative around policing that assists in moving the debate from short-term reactionary comments towards a more considered and evidenced based approach. We seek to be a critical friend for the service.

‘Policing Commentary’ strives to bridge the considerable distance between theory and practice; strategy and action.

The Truth

'If truth is at issue, all conclusions are provisional.'
John Van Maanen

Working Personality

‘Officers expressed great pride in the mission of police work, and celebrated its uniqueness, and potential to make a difference.’ 

Bethan Loftus

Watching the Watchers

‘The academic study of policing is just about sixty years old, venerable enough to seem an ancient edifice to most of the growing numbers pursuing police research today, but still young by comparison with most disciplines.’

Ben Bowling et al

Police Research

‘Ethnography….obliges social scientists to reevaluate both the theoretical self-evidence of their object (policing) and their very relation to their subject (the police).’

Didier Fassin

'There is something inspiring about persons working harmoniously, coordinated by their inner convictions, identifying with the wellbeing of the larger group, bound by words of honour, certain of purpose.'
William Ker Muir

Curent Projects

Asking the Questions!

who, how, what

We are keen to fully explore the relationship between politics and policing. In liberal democracies it is vital that policing is appropriately held to account for policies, procedures and actions. It is of equal importance however, that partisan politicians do not have the ability inappropriately influence policing practice for their own gain. 

We want to continually explore and encourage a healthy relationship between governments, policing and law enforcement.

photomontage, faces, photo album

Policing is a complex task and there is nothing more complex than people! Serving communities is at the heart of the purpose of policing and an informed understanding of the diversity of needs is a critical success factor in relationship building. Whilst policing may rightly exist to enforce the law; all experienced officers know that getting ahead of the issues creates stability and positive interaction. Positive community engagement is vital for policing to be successful.

detective, clues, find

It is vital that policing action is influenced by the most up-to-date research available. While officers and staff should continue to maintain their instincts when dealing with incidents, it is also important that policing action is informed by the best available evidence in order to provide a professionally focused service. Policing and research have always worked closely together; this is about sharpening the focus

A space for positive and constructive thinking about policing.